Friday, May 13, 2011

Sickness & injury...

Ok, its been a rough couple of weeks. Tyler broke his arm. He tripped at track and fell then went our on his four wheeler and when he landed a jump, his hand slipped off the grip and he hurt the same arm again. We went to the clinic the next morn for x ray and cast. Alexa is also wearing a finger splint. She was bugging Cody and he got mad and (not sure of the real story since I've heard two different ones) anyway...figured there was nothing the dr's would do differently than splint it so, I just bought a splint and slipped it on. She's been much happier since. Mason has some serious tonsil problems! He has always been a bad snore-er. So he has had a fever and been miserable. I need to get him to a peditrician to see what they say about getting his tonsils out :( Alexa and Cody have been coughing up a storm. Alexa's eventually passed but Cody's hung on. He just kept getting worse, fatigued, not eating...I finally went and got the O2 sat machine off the ambulance and his O2 was in the 80's! Bed and Z pack for him. Almost took him to ER. Cody also broke out in hives (ALL OVER HIS BODY!) during the middle of his broncitis...apparently, he has an alergy to the wood chips we put in the flowers beds. (Sigh!) Everyone is doing better now...well except me...I feel a little tense in the neck...Love to all. Pray for

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