Monday, October 27, 2008

Hide and seek tips

1. Put the dog out so that he doesn't growl at you when you are hunkered downlike a theif in the corner.
2. Put the teenager in time out for scaring the little kids out of their minds when they are found.
3. Don't expect to stay hidden very long when you are hiding with your 3 year old.
4. Hiding under the desk is a great time to practice those advanced yoga moves.
5. Pretending to be a statue, against the wall, doesn't work.
6. Ringing cell phones are a dead give away to your hiding spot.
7. Don't come out of your spot when the children are's the only legal time to hide.

1 comment:

Adam said...

Nice list. My favorite on Halloween is sitting on the porch with a pumkpin on your head. No one ever suspects you to move.